The Nightmare Echoes

  • Category: Acting, Cinematography, Story Writing, Video Editing
  • Project date: May, 2024
  • Project URL: Watch on Youtube!

A Short VR Horror Film

This is a film I made as a first attempt at a VR narrative horror film, using visual and audible effects to create an immersive and enjoyable experience. Shot using the Insta 360 camera. As it was my first attempt, there was some shaky and questionable camera movement, and as a sort of contingency plan in the case that something did go wrong, I made a normal version shot with a Blackmagic Pro camera. It follows a character through his nightmares, where he is repeatedly greeted by his sister, who is a caring side character by day, and an antagonist at night. The main character also finds “echoes” from the nightmares he experiences, such as a cut on his ankle and throat, but all of these echoes heal quickly upon waking up, one of which leaves the main character in a near death state.